Consider the amount of time you spend on your feet and how little care and attention you pay them. Every part of your body is reflected in your feet. This ancient technique which dates back to 4’000 B.C. assesses instinctive reactions to a stimulus before treating symptoms. Health benefits of this non-intrusive treatment include; stress reduction, pain management, promoting relaxation, improved nerve function, increased circulation, boosted energy levels, and reduced migraines and headaches. If you don’t like having your feet touched, hand reflexology is also available.
This non-invasive therapy helps to cleanse and clear the ear, whilst relieving stress and revitalising the body. A delicate, hollow, beeswax candle is placed in the ear helping remove the build-up of wax. This treatment is complimented with a light pressure facial massage to relieve sinus problems, headaches and release any congestion.